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Amazing Adventure
Schist Villages Expedition - Autonomous

Autonomous hiking expedition in the centre region of Portugal, where participants will find the best landscapes and unique mountain villages.

Target: Program to families or small groups of friends with a maximum of 2 to 8 participants.

Description: Autonomous hiking expedition (with road books) in the centre region of Portugal with the best landscapes of Serra da Lousã and Serra do Açor (Central ridge of Portugal) and the Schist Villages, a dazzling set of 26 mountain villages with tremendous natural and architectural beauty and breathtaking landscapes.

Daily routes of 7 to 16 km that link the 9 Schist Villages of the region. Minimum of 2 participants and maximum of 8 participants.

Includes: 6d/5n program with accommodation in rural tourism houses with breakfast and dinner included.

Season: All year, except July and August (due to high temperatures)


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